reflective writings

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  1. winter-scene
    Before you know it, the days are drawing out. I'm out and about earlier each day with Mabel and I can see and feel Spring fast approaching. Today has been very misty. It's cool and peculiar and makes me feel reflective and I'm remembering playing out with brother when we were kids on the 'hills' (large mounds of earth where a school, which was to be my next, was being built). When it was misty, we'd hide and play mystery island .. ah the best time you will ever have in your life is being a child. That time, that's way over in the distance, way over that mountain, unreachable, but only just tangible by remembering little flashes of those precious memories. It's what I was thinking out on my Mabel walk this morning. I'm weird I know.
    Back home, I check to see if the snowdrops have opened any further and feed the birds. I sit and watch whilst I drink my fresh coffee. (Got to be done ;-)). The air and light feels different and life in the garden is definitely waking up. Oh how I love Spring.
    This year, I'm trying biodynamic gardening again. Well at least as far as I can go as a vegan. However, it's gone horribly wrong already, as I was a bit keen and sowed on a day with a super new moon. I should have waited until the next day.  
    My new allotment is making good progress with lots of digging. I'm trying the no-dig principles althought there's lots of upfront digging and it's bloomin' hard work. As soon as the top bit is dug over, I'll put up my new bargain poly tunnel and sow and grow in my bare feet to my hearts content! Honestly, him indoors is never going see to me this summer!
  2. January is an odd month for me. I try to love it, despite the grey wet weather, sloppy landscape and the daaaaark evenings (that seem so much longer than December). But lately, it's been really quite lovely, despite the brittle cold. (I'm weirdly reminded of me playing with my brother as a child in our little black wellies). We've had snow, ice and a generous layer of sparkle. So much so, my poor Mabel split her paw pads. She really didn't take too kindly to shorter walks and a ban from seeing her boyfriend!


    And the dark mornings! I'm longing for earlier solitary walks. I check each day to see what time the sun rises and how much earlier I can get out without a head torch! 


    January is a time for recharging, reflecting and planning ... isn't it?? Well, I've ordered my veg seeds, but did take alittle longer deciding on which potatoes and tomatoes to grow this year! So a good start ;-) I've ordered Tomato Indigo, which is apparently stuffed full of antioxidants and mouth wateringly deliciousness and Sarpo Anoxa, Maris Bard and Vitabella - non of which I have grown before, so totally excited about that!! Ground is still too cold and sticky to sow or plant anything, but this weekend will be focused on prepping the ground, putting up the chicken wire fencing to stop those cheeking thieving deer and tidying the greenhouse.
    'Perfect escapism'
  3. It's full moon in Gemini today, and indeed it was a fabulous sight early this morning. It emitted incredible light and energy and it felt it had meaning. As the last full moon of 2022, there is sense of needing to let go - of what hasn't worked, what hasn't progressed and what I simply don't want anymore.


    It feels Christmasy today - because it's so frosty I suppose. The mornings are so dark now, and the focus has shifted to helping the wildlife survive in the garden rather than nurturing the last of my flowers. I'm hoping I've saved my acidanthera bulbs and dahlia tubers just as the pretty icicles hit the ground. But, I'm always a bit late with these things, and a really bad bout of flu didn't help!
    We had thick mist last week which I love. I always feel hidden, and it seems mysterious, like old places. I met with a friend to walk our dogs and we couldn't see them! My feet were cold despite wearing thermal wellies. The mist cooled my forehead which still felt hot with fever. 
    The weather is very evocative. I'm reminded of the many walks I used to frequent with Amber and Gracie, of old Chavenage, of Star Farm and Beverston. Of seeing countless deer, foxes and pheasants. Of slight movement through the fog and seeing inquisitive sheep and their little black noses.  I feel sad at the passing of time, but keen to crack on with tomorrow! And on that note, with my to-do list done, I'm off to bed before Mabel claims her place!